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Smart stimulation

neuroloop is designing a novel, closed loop implantable device.

neuroloop’s cuff electrode allows selective stimulation of fibers in the vagus nerve.

neuroloop GmbH is an early-stage healthcare spin-off company from
the Freiburg University and the Freiburg University Hospital
with investment of Aesculap AG, a division of the B. Braun Melsungen AG

We as B. Braun co-founded neuroloop in order to extend our experience and expertise in neurosurgery into the field of functional neurosurgery. Functional neurosurgery provides new treatment options for patients. We are excited to explore this innovative field with a dedicated and diverse team in Freiburg. 

Dr. Jens von Lackum, Member of the Board B. Braun SE

The neuroloop story is a prime example of how technologies from science and research can be implemented in market-ready products through an aligned partnership between the university, the medical center, and international medical device players located in the region.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer, former Rector Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg



Dennis Plachta, PhD,
CSO, Co-founder

Diploma in Biology. Assistent professor at Dept. of Microsystems Engineering and Dept. of Neurosurgery. Focused on signal analysis and electronical engineering.

Esther Novosel, PhD, CEO

Esther is a healthcare people leader with a proven track record in several strategic and commercial roles across the MedTech Industry. Focused on delivering above-market performance and driving organization’s strategy and marketing.

Peter Urban, CTO

Team Leader and Project Manager for many years in the medical device Industry, experienced in development, design transfer, production and approval of medical devices.

Susanne Kuhl, CFO

Diploma in Mechanical-Engineering. 20+ years of experience in various forms of companies.


Dr. Michael Lauk
Chairman of the Board, Co-Founder

Chief Digital Officer B. Braun SE

Dr. Alfred Stett
Board member

Okuvision GmbH

Andreas Hahn
Board Member

Member of the Board Aesculap AG

Daniel Bockelmann, PD, MD,
Board observer

CEO Campus Technologies Freiburg GmbH

Andreas Knapp
Board observer

Vice President, Global Marketing and R&D Neurosurgery, Global Marketing Power Systems, Aesculap AG

Advisory Board

Josef Zentner, MD, PhD, Co-Founder

Fomer PhD in Neurophysiology, board certified neurosurgeon. Chairman of the Dept. of Neurosurgery, University Medical Center Freiburg. Research focus on epilepsy.

Thomas Stieglitz, M.Sc., PhD,
Co-Founder, Clinical Advisor

PhD in Biomedical Engineering. Chairman of the Department of Biomedical Microsystems, University of Freiburg.

Mortimer Gierthmuehlen, MD, PhD, Co-Founder

Attending, Dept. of Neurosurgery, University Medical Center Bochum Langendreer bei Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Head of neurosurgical Baroloop-team and preclinical studies.

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